Lovefield Wireless Lovefield Wireless

FCC Coex­is­tence Study for IEEE 802.11 WiGig and Radar

Love­field Wire­less stud­ied whether con­sumer-grade short range minia­ture radar de­vices cre­ate in­ter­fer­ence on other com­mu­ni­cat­ing sys­tems op­er­at­ing in the 60 GHz un­li­censed band, fo­cus­ing on 60 GHz Wi-Fi (WiGig) as de­fined in the stan­dards IEEE 802.11ad, 2014 and IEEE 802.11, 2016.
Version: 2024-May-27

The ap­proach in the study is based on stan­dard link bud­get mod­els that are typ­i­cally used for as­sess­ing the qual­ity of a wire­less link, or for eval­u­at­ing spec­tral co­ex­is­tence be­tween ra­dio sys­tems.

Monte Carlo sim­u­la­tion with care­fully justified ra­dio sys­tem pa­ram­e­ters were used to as­sess the in­ter­fer­ence im­pact of the minia­ture short-range radars. The study was in­tended to in­form the dis­cus­sion around an in­creased emis­sion power of Google’s Pro­ject Soli short range minia­ture radar sys­tem, de­vel­oped by Google ATAP in 2017, up to a level com­pli­ant with the ETSI EN 305 550 stan­dard, al­though the re­sults po­ten­tially could be ex­trap­o­lated to sim­i­lar tech­nolo­gies in­tended to op­er­ate within the 60 GHz band. Pro­ject Soli is a sen­sor for touch­less ges­ture in­ter­ac­tions in con­sumer elec­tron­ics de­vices (wear­ables, home net­works, phones).

The study can be down­loaded from here.

WiGig link bud­get model used in the sim­u­la­tion.
Sim­u­la­tion sce­nar­ios. There are al­ways only three de­vices in each sim­u­la­tion ex­per­i­ment: One WiGig ac­cess point, one re­ceiv­ing WiGig sta­tion, and one radar de­vice. The WiGig an­ten­nas al­ways point to each other. The radar an­tenna al­ways points to a ran­domly se­lected di­rec­tion and there­fore the radar’s main beam may or may not hit the main beam of the WiGig re­ceiver.

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